Fisch und Riesengarnelen

Fisch Spez.

  • 70. Fisch Curry 16,50€

    Seelachsfilet in Currysoße
    (Coalfishfilet in curry sauce)

  • 71. Fisch Vindaloo⁽¹⁺³⁾ 🌶🌶 16,90€

    Seelachsfilet mit Spezialgewürzen aus Goa, sehr Scharf
    (Coalfishfilet in a special blend of spices from Goa, very hot)

  • 72. Fisch Masala 17,50€

    Seelachsfilet in Masala-Soße
    (Coalfishfilet in masala-sauce)

  • 73. Fisch Madras 🌶🌶 17,50€

    Seelachsfilet mit frischen Tomaten, Kokosnuss, scharfe Schoten, Curry-Soße, nach nordindischer Art
    (Coalfishfilet with fresh tomatoes, coconut, curry sauce, in the north indian tradition)

  • 74. Jheenga Khumb Wala⁽⁴ᶜᴰ⁾ 18,50€

    Riesengarnelen, Champignons, Knoblauch, Ingwer in Mandel-Safran-Soße
    (King prawns with mushrooms, garlic, ginger, almond-saffron-sauce)

  • 75. Jheenga Mango⁽ᴮ⁾ 18,50€

    Riesengarnelen in frischer Mango-Safran-Cashewnuss-Soße
    (King prawns in mango-saffron-cashewnut-sauce)

  • 76. Jheenga Curry 18,50€

    Riesengarnelen in Currysoße
    (King prawns in currysauce)

  • 77. Jheenga Masala 18,50€

    Riesengarnelen in Masala-Soße
    (King prawns in masala sauce)

  • 78. Jheenga Goan Curry 🌶 18,50€

    Riesengarnelen mit Knoblauch, Kokosmilch, Tomaten, Kaschmiri rote Chili und Curryblättern
    (King prawns with garlic, coconut milk, tomatoes, Kashmiri red chilli and curry leaves)